Download Microsoft-Office 97 Portable

To quick create or access you Microsoft office file like document, data base, presentation etc. then just download and enjoy this portable software from here Microsoft Office 97...keep continue...for next
More on or about legal Notice that is"PLEASE NOTE: Your use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement by which you acquired this software.  For instance, if you are:
• a volume license customer, use of this software is subject to your volume license agreement.
• a MSDN customer, use of this software is subject to the MSDN agreement.
You may not use this software if you have not validly acquired a license for the software from Microsoft or its licensed distributors.

Microsoft Customer Service and Support

Microsoft Customer Service and Support

For information about how to contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS), visit This page is available in all major languages and contains links to local phone numbers, self-help information, TTY services, and other online resources.

Online Community Resources

For help with all types of questions regarding Microsoft Office, you can also visit This is a free Microsoft-managed community support site where other Microsoft Office users from around the world contribute by asking questions and by answering other users' questions. Language support for these communities will vary.


Microsoft's support service prices, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice."